[Thunar-dev] Preparations for Xfce 4.8pre1
Jannis Pohlmann
2010-11-02 16:22:27 UTC
Hi everyone,

with xfdesktop having been ported to GIO, we are more or less ready for
the long-awaited Xfce 4.8pre1 release. I had a quick chat with Nick and
we've come to the conclusion that next Sunday (2010-11-07) would be a
good day to push 4.8pre1 out to our users.

Fortunately, the independent development releases we've made in the
past reduce the work required to do an Xfce collection release. So
we'll have to do roll development releases for a few components
only, such as Thunar and xfdesktop.

I've updated the release schedule on:


For those who don't want to leave their mail reader, here's a quick
overview over the new schedule.

Updated schedule for Xfce 4.8

2009-08-16 - 2009-08-30: Planning phase
2009-08-31 - 2009-09-13: Extended planning phase
2009-09-13: Dependency freeze

2009-08-31 - 2010-11-06: Development phase
2010-11-07 - 2011-01-16: Release phase

2010-11-07: Xfce 4.8pre1 release / Feature freeze
2010-12-05: Xfce 4.8pre2 release / String freeze
2011-01-02: Xfce 4.8pre3 release / Code freeze

2011-01-16: Xfce 4.8 final release

As I've mentioned before, we'll start making development releases
today, tomorrow and on Thursday. There will be a short code freeze from
Friday to Sunday so that no commits will interfere with the process of
preparing the release.

Important information for maintainers of core components

* Make sure all features are ready. 4.8pre1 means feature freeze!

* Please update your NEWS files.

* Prepare and push new development releases for your components
before Friday if you want recent changes to be part of Xfce 4.8pre1.

We will pick the latest development release of each component for
inclusion in the collection release.

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Nick Schermer
2010-11-03 07:09:50 UTC
?* Prepare and push new development releases for your components
? ?before Friday if you want recent changes to be part of Xfce 4.8pre1.
This also includes making a release! All development release should be
out before saturday, so packages are able to test them on saturdag and
sunday. If there are build problems we (Jannis and I and ...) can
still make a release to fix those issues, any other commit will be in
the next development release of the package, which will end up in

I will make releases of libxfce4ui, xfce4-settings, exo, libxfce4util,
xfce-utils (date depends on Jerome's work), xfce4-appfinder,
xfce4-panel and xfce4-session, if a developer has anything pending for
one of those packages, or you want to make the release yourself,
please let me know.

Nick Schermer
2010-11-03 07:39:58 UTC
On a side note, if you have any bug you think that *should* be fixed
for 4.8 (data loss, reproducible crashes, build problems; all in the
master branches or recent development snapshots), set/request the
blocking-4-8 flag in bugzilla.

List of blocking bugs can be found here: http://tiny.cc/blocking_4_8

